Published - Aug 26, 2020

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NEBDR-20 (Part2)

Part 2: Days 4-6 Day 4 – Lovell, ME to Benton, NH The sun rose and so did we. Dave had some coffee for us. What a guy! Going to Dave’s was the right move. It’s kinda wild that you can meet total strangers who will take you in and treat you as their own […]

Published - Aug 25, 2020

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NEBDR-20 (Part1)

Part 1: Days 1 – 3 After hearing about Ed and Adam’s planned month in Montana, an extreme FOMO kicked in for me. A couple of days later,  I overheard Young Will say on a Thursday night pocket beer ride that he was doing the newly created North East BDR in August. Boom! FOMO problem […]

Published - May 22, 2020

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CoronaVirus Thursdays

Pocket beers to Love park. What else is there.

From Past

Published - Jan 4, 2016

Kz750 swing arm stretch | 2

First step in modifying… Take a good part and render it useless.   I’ve also found that one of my favorite bikes is based off a 77 or 78 CB750F that has a wheelbase of 58.9″. My modifications should give it a comparable look with the rear wheel placement. ****EDIT the wrenchmonkee bike description says it […]