Published - Jul 29, 2021

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Over the bridge & through the Pines to LBI we go

This past weekend I got in on the beach ride through the Pines trip. Sadly, this is my last official ride with the guys as a Philadelphian since my Fiance and I are escaping the urban nightmare that is Philly very soon.  The day started out with Brain, Will, Dana, Steve, and I meeting at […]

Published - Aug 22, 2015

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Sandy pine barrens

We rode dirt bikes in Wharton state park NJ this weekend. (Pine barrens) – most sand I’ve ever experienced  – got sand in my eyes and cried about it – Tyler rode with no shirt – bens bike shit out – random truck dudes helped out and threw it in their truck – went to […]

Published - Aug 19, 2015

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Dirt Bike Saturday

Gentlemen- I am going on a dirtbike trip to the Pine Barrens this Saturday, August 22nd. Wanna go? Meet at Cast and Salvage at 10:00 gassed and ready to go. If you enjoy the satisfaction of drinking a cold beer after having the best ride of the summer, bring a cooler. We will ride around for […]

Published - Jan 12, 2015

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Jemima Mount – Pine Barrens

Jermima Mount is pretty much the only spot in all of the Pine Barrens NJ, that actually has mini hills climbs. We went and found it yesterday. It was really fun. People went down. I won’t name names. I did not go down. The pics and videos don’t do it justice. The hills weren’t insane […]

Published - Nov 10, 2014

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Dirt bike – Lake Atsion, Pine Barrens

This past weekend we went dirt biking at Lake Atsion, NJ which is in the Pine Barrens. In case you didn’t know, you can legally ride dirt bikes in the pine barrens IF your bike is street legal / registered / insured. If you’re driving a truck, park at the Atsion ranger station. It’s okay […]

Published - Aug 25, 2014

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Dirt Bike Weekend – Photos

Big thanks to Mike and his family for letting us stay on their land. It was such an awesome time. Bummer if you missed it. Highlights include: The dirt bike number shirts made it fun. Neighbor Brian being too worried about getting his dirt bike dirty ha. Ben dressing like robocop ha. Tyler doing awesome […]

From Past

Published - Feb 25, 2010

Shinya Kimura

…makes the sickest cycles I’ve seen. check out his website: Some of his philosophies include: – respecting the raw material he’s working with instead of painting it – older 70’s engines carry the spirt of the person who drafted them