Published - Jul 1, 2011

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Ocean City Ride

Last Sunday we decided to take a trip down to Ocean City to spend the day relaxing in the sun. My lady Juli shot these photos while riding on the back of my 550… Chris led us on some nice roads through Jersey. Kevin roasting the RD smoking out everyone behind us. Ricky’s pull cable […]

Published - Dec 31, 2010

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Looking Forward

Now that the holiday season is finally winding down, I had a second to get to the garage and really start to get moving on this winter’s project. I picked up an old beemer double pull drum front for my xs so I started fitting and measuring spacer sizes. Thankfully the conversion shouldn’t take that […]

From Past

Published - Sep 13, 2013

bike rack on a motorcycle

So… I’ve met Clint a few times. He’s a cool dude. Kills it riding trails. Even if you don’t like bmx… you’ll enjoy this vid. It’s mainly about Clint’s “living-free” lifestyle. He has an old Airstream trailer he lives out of and tows around the country with his veggie-diesel van. He travels for free due […]