Published - May 2, 2018

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BMW juice

What’s up with the bmw cool-aide lately? Who’s next? Ben? John G? Harley boys gonna buy running bmw’s so they can come camp this year? I’ve seen more bmw bumble-dakar’s in the last 3 weeks then I ever have in my life.

Published - Nov 17, 2012

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making old bmw’s look good

I know its hard to make old bmw’s actually look good… I’ll let this one slide though.

Published - Apr 18, 2012

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Peter on the Dragon

Our buddy Peter. Roasting it. Another one! I dig it. ha. Just like Ricky’s.

Published - Aug 21, 2011

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Kimi and the BMW

Our friend Kimi is going to be featured in a BMW magazine. The mag needed some pics of her. Check out these pics I took today. I don’t know all the details about the mag. If you wanna know more about it… email Kimi here.

From Past

Published - Apr 8, 2011

Thursday Hiccups

Well… This Thursday’s ride was a clusterfuck. Lots of hiccups. From this point on the Thursday ride is going to be a little different. Mainly safer, I mean that. And that’s all that needs to be said at this point, right now. Still fun… but safer. And, no more going to the North Star bar […]