Published - Aug 21, 2014

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Who wants to borrow a cb200?

Alex, the guy who visited us while riding his motorcycle from Florida to Mass. is looking to let someone borrow his motorcycle. A Honda cb200. His previous story here His new story goes like this: Basically, he’s moving to Portland, Oregon for 6 months and he can’t bring the bike with him. If you’re interested […]

Published - May 9, 2014

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Florida to Nantucket on a CB200

A couple weeks ago we got an email from this guy Alex who was planning to ride his 1975 CB200 from his home in Florida to Massachusetts with a potential stop in Philly. We told him good luck and hit us up when you make it to Philly. Well, he made it and timed it […]

Published - Jan 25, 2011

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Colin’s 1974 cb200 in NZ

If you didn’t already know, Max has cousins from Auckland. His cousin Colin and I live pretty close to eachother here in NZ… couple mins down the road. A few months back he picked up a cb200 and rebuilt it into this sweet little cafe racer. It’s finally running and now he’s dialing it in. […]

Published - Jan 18, 2011

Comments - 13

MLK Jr. Day Weekend Motorcycle Teardown

I took off work and spent 4 days in the “Jankyington” garage. We burned enough wood to build a house in Kensington, which is to say, a fair amount of wood. Together with the Yerkes brothers, a lifetime supply of Sly Fox and a killer high from aircraft stripper, we had a Martin Luther King […]

Published - Dec 1, 2010

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lady killer

cycle: 1974 cb200 ripper: dana

From Past

Published - Aug 15, 2011

The KZ 750

Here are some pictures of the KZ 750 I have been working on to take out to the Buckley wedding in September.  The first photo is the evening I brought it home.  I think I did a good job of making it look like I paid a $150 for it. Crap phone photo. I should […]