Published - Jul 3, 2013

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Philly to Denver – Route

Adam and I did this trip early Sept 2010. This doesn’t account for any of the backroads we took. But it gives an overall idea of the locations we hit.

Published - Oct 5, 2010

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Philly to Denver – Kansas Larry

On our way back to Philly from Denver, we were coming across the top of Kansas and the skies started to look crazy. We stopped at a gas station and heard there was a tornado coming. An older gentleman approached us to talk about the cycles, and told us continuing into the storm was a […]

Published - Sep 25, 2010

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Philly to Denver – pics

I’m a film hobbyist. On our trip I brought my Nikon N80 and shot 4 rolls of 35mm Fuji Velvia 50 slide film. Just finished scanning it and uploading it to flickr. Use the arrows within the lightbox to scroll through the gallery. Click on the Flickr icon to go to the Flickr page and […]

Published - Sep 20, 2010

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Philly to Denver update #7

– trip is over – adam and I made it back to Philly in one piece – cycles are intact and still running solid – they def need a full tune-up and cleaning – we racked up somewhere between 4500-5000 total miles – neither of our mileage counters work… can only estimate – we had […]

Published - Sep 17, 2010

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Philly to Denver update #6

Eating breakfast this morning in Marysville Ohio. We plan to make it into Pittsburgh today. Cycles are still running great. Avoided a tornado in Kansas because of a awesome couple that took us in and fed us. He used to race an H2 back in the day. Also raced BSA dirt trackers. Huge thanks to […]

Published - Sep 11, 2010

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Philly to Denver update #5

We just did a long ass ride, up and down, all through the Rockies. The turns are insane. Now we’re drinking some cold local beers and eating lunch. Psyched. fyi – our cycles are running weird and dirt slow at 6 thousand feet up

Published - Sep 11, 2010

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Philly to Denver update #4

– got into Denver last night! – someone Adam works with said we wouldn’t make it – fuck them now – our freedom beards are raging – going for a ride up in the rockies in a bit

Published - Sep 9, 2010

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Philly to Denver update #3

– thurs night we r in Pratt KS – so close to Denver I could prolly walk there – last night we went to a tit bar in Springfield MO – no drinking and no nudity, WTF – still had good time there – got a lap dance off a broad who looks like she […]

Published - Sep 7, 2010

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Philly to Denver update #2

– in Arkansas on tues night – right now weather is shitty rain – past few days have been perfect – land between the lakes was f’in amazing – we’re stuck in a town w/ no titty bar waiting out rain – fuck – The backroads are insanely good and twisty, 60mph rollercoaster  – adam’s […]

Published - Sep 5, 2010

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Philly to Denver update #1

– slightly west of knoxville tn sun night – making our daily destinations – renegade camping has worked so far – same with renegade swimming and pooping – virginia has crazy backroads – making up distance on highways – no girls flashed bitties yet while riding – cycles running solid – averaging 1 mile per […]

Published - Sep 3, 2010

Comments - 7

Philly to Denver

Yep. See you all in 2 weeks.

From Past

Published - Jun 18, 2019

Canadian Rockies – day 2

Lopez island WA to port renfrew Vancouver island Leave Andrews island and take 23 ferries to get to Vancouver island Quinn’s first time ever out of America which blew my mind People may or may not have smuggled things over the border Didn’t know Victoria was a city that existed. Had lunch and people watched […]