Published - Feb 23, 2011

Comments - 4

Bike Vault – NZ

There’s a cycle storage place here in Auckland, NZ called “Bike Vault”. Basically it’s a place to store expensive motorcycles if you don’t have a garage. Max’s cousin Colin is buddies with one of the older guys who runs it, so, one day Colin and I stopped over and they gave me a tour. It’s […]

Published - Feb 10, 2011

Comments - 8

1987 cbr250r – on board

Since the weather in Philly is shit, I thought you guys might like to see what it’s like to ride a cycle around sunny New Zealand. It was a solid 75˚ yesterday. This is my first time attempting on board filming, so if the quality sucks, deal with it. This first vid is me cruising […]

Published - Jan 25, 2011

Comments - 8

Colin’s 1974 cb200 in NZ

If you didn’t already know, Max has cousins from Auckland. His cousin Colin and I live pretty close to eachother here in NZ… couple mins down the road. A few months back he picked up a cb200 and rebuilt it into this sweet little cafe racer. It’s finally running and now he’s dialing it in. […]

Published - Jan 17, 2011

Comments - 5

Deus Ex Machina – Shed 5 – review

So, we’ve all heard of Deus Ex Machina from Australia. I dunno about you guys, but I wasn’t aware there was a shop here in NZ. Shop is right down the street from me. It’s super super nice! They have a “No Photos” policy, bummer. So I found a few pics on the web. The […]

Published - Jan 1, 2011

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Auckland, NZ – overview

I’ve made some observations of Auckland: It’s way nicer than I envisioned it would be. From what I’ve seen and heard, vintage cycles are slim to none. There is no trash on the streets of NZ. Cleanest place I’ve ever seen. People are in no hurry… everyone drives way under the speed limit. Everyone is […]

Published - Dec 8, 2010

Comments - 17

It’s been fun – farewell

As most of you know. I’m moving to Auckland, New Zealand. I leave in under 3 weeks. I’ll be there for 2 years with my girlfriend Erin. I want to say a few things before I go: I built this site hoping it would bring together people with similar interests It’s been a lot of […]

Published - Nov 22, 2010

Comments - 16

NZ cycle – poll

This isn’t a real poll, just comment and let me know which you like better. So when I move to NZ I’ll be getting a cycle right when I get there. They have a bunch of stuff you can’t get in the USA. Including these 2 cycles from the japanese Honda market: – nsr250 (2 […]

From Past

Published - Aug 26, 2013

Garage Company Video

This is a decent video to check out if you have 10 mins to kill.