Published - Mar 28, 2018

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Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 4

Part 4: Scootin’ around Hội An -Following our 7 day adventure in the north, we moved onto the 2nd leg of our trip. The central coastal city of Hội An. This town is known for its preserved ancient architecture and its tailors. To say its a tourist town is an understatement but nonetheless still an […]

Published - Mar 27, 2018

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Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 3

Part 3: Cao Bằng to Hanoi Day 5: Quảng Uyên to Bản Giốc waterfalls -I got up before the roosters today and not cause I wanted to. A bit of the old ultra violence erupted in my stomach that brought me to the knees of the great porcelain god. There was no returning to sleep, […]

Published - Mar 25, 2018

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Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 2

Part 2: Hà Giang to Cao Bằng Day Three: Hà Giang to Mèo Vạc -Roosters. Fuck em. See part one. I could not fall back asleep so I joined Radke to watch the sun rise. We couldn’t have asked for a more tranquil morning. Breakfast was many instant coffees, and instant noodles loaded with fresh […]

Published - Mar 22, 2018

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Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 1

Part 1:  Hanoi to Ha Giang Jake, Radke, and I decided to visit the 2 wheel mecca of Vietnam. Most of my vacations all center around some sort of 2 wheel adventure and Vietnam always comes in at the top of everyone’s lists. I’ve taken to seeing it as a motorcyclists Hajj, if you will. […]

Published - Aug 21, 2017

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Ferry’s Wear Bikes

This past weekend I finally did something I’ve had on my list for awhile: take my bike on the Cape May Ferry. Since a few of the guys expressed interest on what it’s like for MC’s, I figured I’d share my experience. The planned trip was to OC, MD for couple days in the sun […]

Published - Aug 19, 2015

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Cross Country

If you’re currently at work and not all that excited to be there then I wouldn’t suggest reading further… I recently heard from Philly resident, Josh Laskin, who earlier this summer quit his job and started a cross country adventure on his BMW motorcycle. I think we’ve all thought about what Josh had the balls […]

Published - Aug 9, 2015

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Letter From The Road

Gentlemen- I received a letter from Dan Cotterpin this week. It was postmarked from Cedar Rapids, Indiana. The return address was “Floating VesselI Mallard Chevy 350, V8” I took a photo for you, but thought I would write it our for all to read. Enjoy it. I know I did. “Dear Ben- The speedometer died […]

Published - Aug 3, 2015

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Pennsylvania Weekender | Photos

PA trip was so much fun. Like we always say, getting out the old bikes to camping and checking things out is the best. We only had 5 days on the road and I think we made the most of it. Photos by Alex and myself. Day 1: Met up at Ben’s garage and then […]

Published - Jul 24, 2015

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Pennsylvania Weekender

Taking a week or more off of work isn’t always possible as we have all probably experienced but that’s just reality of having a job. So, with only being able to take a couple days off this coming week, a couple of us are trying to make the most of the limited time off by […]

Published - Sep 30, 2014

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Adirondacks Trip 2014

Last weekend Tom, Jake, Dan, Andrew, Apor, Justin, Kevin, Kevin and myself all met up in Watkins Glen, NY for a weekend of riding. After a couple of wet hours on 476 the weather cleared and was perfect for the rest of the trip. Big thanks to Tom for organizing this one. Lake Ontario Thanks to […]

Published - Sep 6, 2013

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2 Guzzi’s and a $300 Yamaha

Trip was awesome. The 3 of us left Philly for 10 days and 1900 miles trip north toward Arcadia National Park. My Guzzi was hit last year and mothballed for 15 months. I gave myself a week to fix it before the trip. Brian blew-up his engine a month ago, and had to rebuild it […]

Published - Aug 24, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 14

Destination – Pittsburgh – after leaving put in bay, we headed east towards Pittsburgh – trip is basically over. Nothing to see in ohio because Ohio is one of the worst states – an old good friend and roommate from college named Justin is from there – over the past 9 years we lost touch […]

Published - Aug 23, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 13

Destination – put in bay ohio So… Lake Erie is fucking gross. Bacteria levels so high it’s unsafe for people to swim in it. Fuck it though… We swam anyway. So we officially swam in all 5 Great Lakes. In Ohio we kept seeing signs for something called “put in bay”. I had no clue […]

Published - Aug 20, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 10

Destination – two rivers Wisconsin Yea we drank too much in Milwaukee trying to make the post from yesterday… Milwaukee is wayyyy cooler than Green Bay. Green Bay can suck a dick. So… We did stuff. Hangover pending… we’ll update tomorrow.

Published - Aug 19, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 9

Destination – pictured rocks national lakeshore again So we met a 21yr old dude named Blake from this little town here called Christmas. Super nice dude. He camped with us the other night. He’s a local here at pictured rocks. He showed us some badass shit. He said he used to swim distance competitively… And […]

Published - Aug 18, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 8

Destination – pictured rocks national lakeshore – we made our way to pictured rocks which is a national park which borders the south end of Lake Superior. – crazy 300 ft tall cliffs that go down into the lake – water is insane crystal clear – hung out and took a mid day nap at […]

Published - Aug 17, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 7

Destination – Grand Maris Michigan – woke up on the beach and a maintenance guy called the cops on us but cops never came – headed north back over the 5 mile mackinaw bridge towards pictured rocks national lakeshore in the upper peninsula of Michigan. – mackinaw city is a horrible tourist trap. Never go […]

Published - Aug 16, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 6

Destination: Mackinaw City, Michigan ‘Where the men are men and so are the women’. – guy at the lunch spot stop. We tried to get up and out of Leno’s place before he got up and pulled another wild card on us. It was a 3 mile dirt road back to a real road. We […]

Published - Aug 15, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 5

Destination – Sault Ste. Marie Things got real weird last night… Real weird. We met some random old dude named Leno on a harley at a strip club. He told us we could camp at his place… So we took him up on it. His place was on a bad ass lake. He’s basically bi-polar. […]

Published - Aug 14, 2013

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Great Lakes Tour – day 4

Destination – Massey Ontario We woke up at 5:45am on the Georgian Bay to rain and heavy wind. Ed’s rain fly ripped in the wind so he wasn’t a happy camper. We were up early to catch the ferry to Manatouin island which we just made. It pretty much rained off and on the entire […]

From Past

Published - Dec 4, 2012

How cb450 torsion bars work

As I said earlier in this post… cb450 and cb500t have no valve springs. They have a torsion bar set up. Let’s take a look at how exactly the torsion bar works. It’s pretty cool. Pic 1 – The engines are double overhead cam which means there is a separate cam lobe for each valve. […]