Published - Aug 13, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 3

Destination – Bruce peninsula again Damn, this day was awesome. – we swam in this place called the grotto in Bruce national park. (Lake Huron) It had carribean looking water and cliffs. Tons of people – we cliff jumped for a while. It was pretty epic – our cycles are running solid which is nice […]

Published - Aug 12, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 2

Destination – Bruce peninsula – after leaving buffalo, we crossed into Canada and swam in lake Ontario. It was insane cold – our buddy Ryan from Chicago is joining us on half of our trip. We met him up in Canada – 3 of us made our way up in to the Bruce peninsula. It’s […]

Published - Aug 11, 2013

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Great Lakes tour – day 1

Destination – buffalo ny Shit. Off to a rocky start. – we left sat instead of fri – night before leaving I dropped a bolt into my engine while double checking valves. It fell down the center cavity into the crankcase. By a miracle of god I fished it out somehow… – morning we left […]

Published - Aug 8, 2013

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2 guzzi – 1 yami

Brian / Andrew / Ben are doing a road trip. Right now they’re in Burlington. Brian just text’d me a few pics. Check them out.

Published - Oct 18, 2012

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Long way from home

Our good buddy Pat just took a 21 day trip and rode across country. He documented it all on his website. Really awesome photos and write up. It reads chronologically like a book. Def check it out. His blog here: Long Way From Home I pulled a couple pics off his site so you can […]

Published - Sep 29, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 15 pt2

Woke up to somewhat heavy rain and put the rain suit on and packed up camp. We headed down the road and got a great diner breakfast at a place called Country Girl Diner. The owner was nice and even packed us cookies to go for our wet ride ahead of us… 200 miles in […]

Published - Sep 29, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 15

Ten reasons I’ll never come back to Albany: 1) it’s colder than Philly 2) no one lives downtown. Deserted city. 3) people look / act like mutants 4) everyone is fat 5) no motorcycle scene here 6) zero attractive girls… Unless you like fat chicks 7) no good food / restaurants 8) no good colleges […]

Published - Sep 27, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 14

– after seeing too many homeless people we left Portland – headed to mt. Washington – climbed it like champs – kinda a big workout for an old bike – cold as shit at the summit. 30 degrees – headed to George’s land in s.e. Vermont – you know George… Burly guy with the cb500 […]

Published - Sep 26, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 13

Last night in Portland. Our friend Adrienne is cooking dinner so we picked up some local beer by Ship Yard and Long Trail and carefully tied it to the Z1 rack. Earlier we toured the Allagash brewery and got slightly day drunk. Good tour and beers made for a slightly hazy day. Stopped by a […]

Published - Sep 25, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 12

We are staying with our good friends Mick and Adrienne. Mick works as a chef at one of Portland most popular restaurants. It’s an oyster place called Eventide. Mick hooked up the dinner and we got try a bunch of seafood stuff I’ve never heard of before. The z1 clutch cable is about to snap. […]

Published - Sep 25, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 11

Last day in Acadia. So many things to do there and not enough time. One of the best parks I’ve been too on the east coast. We rode the scenic park loop (photo) and made it to the top of Cadillac mountain before taking off for Portland, Maine. We’ll be staying there with some good […]

Published - Sep 23, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 10

Spent the day exploring Acadia. We finally got some great weather so we took full advantage of it. We did a short hike in the morning and then spent the rest of the day exploring the island on the cycles and enjoying the twisty roads. One of the many awesome views of the day.

Published - Sep 23, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 9

Weather has been shit. Off and on rain that has kept us wet and off the cycles. While hiding out from the rain in the park visitor center we ended up talking to one of the younger park rangers (most of them were super old). She gave us a bunch of cool things to check […]

Published - Sep 21, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 8

Lame day. We woke up on moosehead lake. Cold as shit. In the 30’s at night. Spent most of the day in Greenville, ME. Changed z1 oil. Lubed our chains. Had a shitty breakfast. Talked to some random dude who, him and his dad both have z1’s and said they’ve done 140mph on them. The […]

Published - Sep 20, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 7

Camped out in St Georges, Quebec last night. There was a strip club within view of our campsite so obviously if you know Ed we had to go for at least a beer. Strangest, creepiest strip club that was more like a shed with some French hookers. Not a trip highlight. Ended the night hanging […]

Published - Sep 19, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 6

Fuck rain. Quebec city is pretty dope but the rain killed it. Recap includes: – swam in the hotel pool with a dozen old French fat people. It was super weird. – our hotel bathroom had a ton of these great rags to clean our motorcycles with. – found zero good bars downtown. Zero. – […]

Published - Sep 18, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 5

We got an early start and got through customs and blasted into Canada. Customs lady was lame. We’ll see how it is crossing back into the states in a few days. Today sucked on the cycles. We hightailed it to Quebec City with a big storm that we tried to stay ahead of all day. […]

Published - Sep 18, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 4

Woke up on lake champlain this morning. Burlington VT was so amazing so we decided stayed another full day and just hangout. Tons of babes. We people watched around town and then headed to north beach. Hung out on the beach, chilled in the sun, and finished off our whiskey. Weather was beyond amazing with […]

Published - Sep 17, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 3

Woke up on the farm in New York and collected fresh eggs from the chicken coop to make the best breakfast. We decided to head up along lake George towards Burlington. A missed turn along the way put us on some of the best roads yet all through pine forests with no other cars on […]

Published - Sep 16, 2012

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Philly to Canada – day 2

We left Allentown area and made our way to the Delaware water gap state park which had amazing roads. Then we headed north to Albany which is a dead city. The cool section of the city is called Lark st. area. A street festival was ironically going on so we people watched for a while. […]

From Past

Published - Oct 5, 2010

Philly to Asheville – update #2

I left Gallipolis, OH this morning right after the fog lifted on the Ohio river scenic byway. Aaron and I had spent his day off tooling on “the motorcycle that will never run.” We got it…well…, sounding better? Maybe, but we did get gas all over us. It was nice to see him talking like […]