Philly to Canada – day 3

Woke up on the farm in New York and collected fresh eggs from the chicken coop to make the best breakfast. We decided to head up along lake George towards Burlington. A missed turn along the way put us on some of the best roads yet all through pine forests with no other cars on the road. We ended with a couple beers downtown and set up camp along lake Champlain for the night.


Around 11pm a lady came up to our camp spot telling us it’s against the rules to camp. Talked her out of that and went to bed. Live free lady… Rules are lame.

One response to “Philly to Canada – day 3”

  1. Billy says:

    You see all the windmill construction going on up and around NY, VT, CT, or MA?

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From Past

Published - Jun 2, 2011

cb650 cafe seat – metal cutting how to

So, I’m still working on the seat for the cb650. This is my first time working with metal since high-school metal shop. So, it’s been a while. I’m pretty much winging it. Below are my steps for figuring out what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. So far it’s turning out real good. I’m […]