Published - Aug 22, 2022

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NE BDR pics

NE BDR was a ton of fun. Some fun-challenging spots. I wish the whole route was like VT. I wrote up a little thing, but I’m tired. I’m just posting the pics. And below is my pics, Jessies, and then Steves pics. Give it all a second to load up. Overall the NE BDR was […]

Published - Jul 29, 2021

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Over the bridge & through the Pines to LBI we go

This past weekend I got in on the beach ride through the Pines trip. Sadly, this is my last official ride with the guys as a Philadelphian since my Fiance and I are escaping the urban nightmare that is Philly very soon.  The day started out with Brain, Will, Dana, Steve, and I meeting at […]

Published - Sep 29, 2020

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SW Montana Offroad Week – Vids

A couple vids I had laying around from the SW Montana offroad week. Man, that was a ton of fun.

Published - Sep 8, 2020

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SW Montana Offroad Week

Well. A month in Montana was great. I needed to get out of Philly for a little. Ending a month in MT with a week long offroad dirt bike trip was the best. Colin led us through a crazy off-road enduro adventure through SouthWest Montana. Such varied terrain. I can’t think of how to summarize […]

Published - Aug 26, 2020

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NEBDR-20 (Part2)

Part 2: Days 4-6 Day 4 – Lovell, ME to Benton, NH The sun rose and so did we. Dave had some coffee for us. What a guy! Going to Dave’s was the right move. It’s kinda wild that you can meet total strangers who will take you in and treat you as their own […]

Published - Aug 25, 2020

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NEBDR-20 (Part1)

Part 1: Days 1 – 3 After hearing about Ed and Adam’s planned month in Montana, an extreme FOMO kicked in for me. A couple of days later,  I overheard Young Will say on a Thursday night pocket beer ride that he was doing the newly created North East BDR in August. Boom! FOMO problem […]

Published - Aug 10, 2020

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xr650l oil cooler review

XR650L has turned out to be such a great bike. Last year trip through British Columbia the XRs did great, but noticed they ran pretty hot. So we asked Colin to install oil coolers on them while he stored them for us. We chose the Sutton xr650l oil cooler kit. Really nice cooler kit. Honestly […]

Published - May 20, 2019

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Hilltop MX lodge 2019

Mike Slim put together a trip we’ve been talking about for a long time. A long weekend at Hilltop MX Lodge near St Mary PA. Was a blast overall 6 hr drive was long but wasn’t horrible The track is 5 mins from a little town with food / gas / restaurants The track itself […]

Published - Nov 4, 2018

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Pine barrens camping

Got to mikes cabin. Hit the trails. Mark took out a tree branch with his face. Dr Guzzi couldn’t go through a puddle without the DT360 crapping out. I was sick and high on DayQuil entire time. Mike led a good route again. Barely made it to Luceille’s diner. Cop pulled us over in pines… […]

Published - Sep 7, 2018

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2018 fall camping – 2 trips

Put these on your radar. Life is short. Pretty soon we’ll all be old and no one will hang out and these trips won’t happen anymore. Two things below I want us to do this Fall as a big group. More details coming soon… 1 – PA mountain pass weekend trip Oct 6th weekend – […]

Published - Jun 26, 2018

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Bowers Beach camping trip

Camping trip Sat July 21 Meet at LaColombe on frankford 10am Be gassed up before arriving Gonna take Rt9 from 95 all way to Rt1 Rt9 is such a great ride. Road is along the Delaware Bay entire way. Known for flooding in spots. Camp out on south Bowers Beach in Delaware Swim across Murderkill […]

Published - May 14, 2018

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Thunderfuck Run – The Return

Thunderfuck Run is back!!! Lets do this. Memorial day weekend (5/26-28)… -Meet Saturday the 26th at Reanimator Fishtown (5 points location) at 11 for coffee. -Kickstands up at noon. -Take Devyn’s most infamous Thunderfuck Run to Steel Steeds Campground. “The best of the Northeast Biker Friendly Campgrounds”. About a 4 hour ride to Milton, PA. -If […]

Published - Apr 16, 2018

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Norton camping trip 2018

Saturday was the best day I’ve had so far in 2018. Woke up early, checked out Adams KZ head he picked up from machine shop. Rode the IT to the coffee shop Andrew Brooks used to work at. Hung for a while. Met at LC to leave for camping. Great to hang and people watch. […]

Published - May 21, 2017

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Catskills weekend

Tom N put together a small weekend trip in the catskill mountains of NY. Camped fri and sat. Started out Friday at Dimmick Inn in Milford PA. Cool 2nd floor drinking area. I drank too much whiskey Friday night and it ruined the first half of my Saturday ugh. We saw some cool cars at […]

Published - Apr 10, 2017

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Season Opener! | Norton Show Camping Trip

UPDATE – Saturday camping trip is off due to rain. We’re still going to Norton show Sunday morning. Leaving from reanimator ‘fishtown next to loco pez’ coffee shop Sunday at 9am. Be there gassed and ready to go. We’ll get Dilly burgers for lunch after Norton show. Forget what’s below… Read above only.. I’m looking […]

Published - Oct 19, 2016

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Ricketts Glen Camping Trip Nov 5th-6th

UPDATE: Ricketts Glen State Park was full so we are now camping at Council Cup Campground (212 Ruckle Hill Road, Wapwallopen, PA 18660). So the season is coming to a close and as most of you know I have been sans motorcycle pretty much all summer. We also haven’t had a camping trip since the Norton […]

Published - May 31, 2016

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Taylor’s Island Maryland Trip

Nothing beats a camping trip on motorcycles. A few of us kicked off the summer camping season with a trip down to Taylor’s Island Maryland for Memorial Day weekend. We met up Saturday morning, grabbed some coffee and hit the road. Ed mapped out an awesome route and the majority of the ride there was nice country […]

Published - May 24, 2016

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Number 8 Wire Motorcycle Trip Photos

I hit up Colin of Number 8 Wire Motorcycles for a recap of his West Coast trip. Here’s what he had to say: Yo man, I’ve been flat out! Here are some pics. The trip was epic. South from Missoula are some amazing roads, through Stanley and Sun Valley (ID) then through Nevada to some […]

Published - May 6, 2016

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Number 8 Wire Motorcycles West Coast Trip

Our buddy Colin just started out on a pretty long motorcycle camping trip touring the west coast. Check out some of the photos if you want to feel more cabin fever during this week+ of rain we’ve been having in Philly. Check him out on Instagram: number8wiremotorcycles Ready to roll!! It's been mad but both […]

From Past

Published - Apr 23, 2016

Honda CR500 – 2 stroke

In case you don’t know… These things were pretty fast. Saw this shit on IG and was dying.  I’ll bet that power band hits like a Mac truck.