This past weekend I got in on the beach ride through the Pines trip. Sadly, this is my last official ride with the guys as a Philadelphian since my Fiance and I are escaping the urban nightmare that is Philly very soon.
The day started out with Brain, Will, Dana, Steve, and I meeting at the world’s worst Wawa. Yup, the Aramingo Wawa. For some reason, the store looked like it was looted but then again, it’s just the status quo for that location. Steve was the only one in this group not riding so he led us in his car to Mike’s cabin in the Pines. Soon Mike & Tom came rolling in.

The last time this ride happened the camp spot was on LBI but the major complaint was the bug situation. We decided to change up the plans and slab it back to Mikes’s after the beach. We got our camp set up, ourselves geared up, and Mike led us on our route.
The bikes:
Brian – 2008 Husqvarna TE450
Dana – 2001 Kawasaki KLR250
Mike – 2006 Kawasaki KLX250S
Nate – 2014 Yamaha WR250R
Steve – 1980 Yamaha IT425
Tom – 1987 Honda XL600R
Will – 2017 Honda CRF250L Rally
I’m not going to go into too much detail but I will say this, the route had all you want from a Pines rip… fun two-track that was a little technical but has way too many whoops; wide-open fire roads that get the heart pumping when you hit some deep, loose sand; a blue hole to explore and play at; and many deep ass puddles. There was no one without wet feet this day and you know what? It was perfect. Tom had a bumpy start when his entire pack came loose and lodged itself between his rear wheel and swingarm. Gotta make sure everything is strapped well or those god damn whoops will get you. Will had the fortune of losing his Go-Pro & then finding it but then having the misfortune of losing it again.
Hours later we came out of the woods and had lunch at Lucille’s Country Kitchen. They were just closing but were kind enough to let six soaked and muddy dirt bikers order some sandwiches and dry out a bit. After lunch, Brian headed back to Philly and the rest of us did one more stretch of off-road on a wide sandy access road before popping out in the most cookie-cutter suburban development. It was some Wrinkle In Time shit. I’m sure we were a sight to see to the families enjoying their nice quiet cul-de-sac life. Especially Steves IT and all of its glorious two-stroke noise and smoke.

On to LBI! We posted up at a spot near a bar that Steve and Mike are familiar with then found a spot on the beach. When I say the water was perfect, I mean it. Surprisingly it was not cold at all, it was crystal clear, and had a great surf to play around in. Not bad for my last Jersey shore trip in who knows how long. Maybe forever?

We had our fill of the water and dried off, sort of, for a few drinks at the bar called Hudson House. What a great dive bar. I’ve coined it “Perrys By The Sea” (if you know, you know). We had two rounds then geared back up and got Surf Tacos before riding into the sunset back to Mike’s cabin. Thankfully Steve had the foresight to get a case of Banquets on the way to the cabin so we all relaxed at camp and crushed the case until exhaustion picked us off one by one.

The next morning, I had a wet helmet because I stupidly forgot to put my shit in my tent and a storm rolled through. Dana and I rolled back to Philly soon after waking. Will stayed back to find his Go-Pro and guess what? He and Steve managed to find it! That’s wild.

I want to say this trip was bittersweet but it was not bitter in the least. This trip was as close to perfect as you can get and I couldn’t have asked for a better ride with a great group of guys. I look forward to doing rides up north with the squad as well as me riding back south for the bigger rides. The point I’m trying to make is, though you shitheads might not be seeing me every day, you’re still stuck with me for some time yet.
3 responses to “Over the bridge & through the Pines to LBI we go”
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Woulda been cooler if we did it on Road Kings…
Bummed I missed it. Looks awesome.
This post single-handledly convinced me to get a dual sport. This is everything I want out of riding on 2 wheels.