Published - Nov 9, 2016

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Manifest Destiny – Week Six & Seven, The End.

Saturday 10/29/16 After waking and checking out, I sat at Carolines waiting for the UPS man. Thankfully Dimecity and UPS came through around 1. Fueled up on coffee from an awesome shop next door called Flat Track Coffee. It’s a bike and coffee shop plus they got dirt bikes on display. Got my clutch cable […]

Published - Oct 21, 2016

Comments - 6

Manifest Destiny – Week Four, From The Valley of Death to The City of Angels

Putting this up a day early b/c we are heading into the desert to camp and ride dirt bikes tomorrow…   Sunday 10/16/16 Woke up and soon realized I lost my debit card. Fuck. Ran all over town retracing my steps but no luck. Went to Ryan’s to finish maintenance on the bikes and hang […]

Published - Oct 16, 2016

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Manifest Destiny – Week Three, From Fury Road to Sin City

Saturday 10/8/16 Originally planned to leave Fort Stockton and head straight to Roswell but the storm front sat right above everywhere we were headed. Decided to go to Carlsbad caverns and wait out the storm The road there was again long and straight but with all the oil pumps, fracking burnoff towers, the sand, and […]

Published - Oct 7, 2016

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Manifest Destiny – Week Two, From The Emerald Coat to Pecos County

I’m putting this post up a day early because we holed ourselves in a hotel room in Fort Stockton, TX to recoup, warm up, and shower after 8 hrs in wind, rain, and cold. ​Sunday 10/2/16 & Monday 10/3/16 Time to relax. Beach, family, and food. The only gear I’m hauling are towels to the […]

Published - Oct 2, 2016

Comments - 14

Manifest Destiny – Week One, From Appalachia to God’s Waiting Room

Radke and I have started out on a multi-week cross country trip. I’m riding my ’78 KZ1000 and Radke’s on an ’84 Nighthawk. Jake, on his ’16 XSR 900, joined us for most of the first week. So far we have made it to Florida and are taking a couple of days to relax with […]

Published - Oct 1, 2016

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The Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum

Radke and I are currently riding across the country (more on that to come) and while at the Willville Motorcycle Campgrounds another rider suggested we detour to the Barber Vintage Museum. We thought that was a great idea and did. There are too many bikes here and I went nuts taking pictures but barely even […]

From Past

Published - May 2, 2018


I’ve been sweating XT500’s for a few years now.  Something about a bike that can go anywhere, do anything, and not look like a dadbike (no offense to the DadZ1000 crew, Harley Cosplayers, and the new Bumble BMW crew) just struck a cord with me.   When my boy Cooney sent me a bike that was 20 […]