The Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum

Radke and I are currently riding across the country (more on that to come) and while at the Willville Motorcycle Campgrounds another rider suggested we detour to the Barber Vintage Museum. We thought that was a great idea and did. There are too many bikes here and I went nuts taking pictures but barely even cracked the ice on what this place has. My mind was blown and I ran around like a kid in a candy store. This place is a must for any vintage bike enthusiast.

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My favorite bike was this 74 Kawi 1600 V8. Just look at that beast!!!

78 KZ1000!!!! The “Spirit of America” edition. Only 200 made and fully Vettered out. This is the edition I should have to be riding cross country on.

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4 responses to “The Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum”

  1. Ed says:

    Holy shit. Drooling…

  2. Quinn says:

    This rules. Next year we should go for the Barber Vintage Festival.

  3. Nate says:

    @quinn turns out we showed up one week early for the festival. It would be rad to go but it’s a haul.

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Published - Mar 19, 2012


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