Published - Feb 10, 2011

Comments - 8

1987 cbr250r – on board

Since the weather in Philly is shit, I thought you guys might like to see what it’s like to ride a cycle around sunny New Zealand. It was a solid 75˚ yesterday. This is my first time attempting on board filming, so if the quality sucks, deal with it. This first vid is me cruising […]

Published - Jan 15, 2011

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cbr250r – carbs

Did the carbs on my 1987 cbr250r today. Way more headache than anything Honda from the 70’s. 1) Get all the plastic shit off 2) Get the carbs out. Man that shit looks different, Never seen carbs under the tank before. 3) New OEM air filter. That old one was seriously black as shit. 4) […]

Published - Jan 9, 2011

Comments - 9

cbr250r will not get knocked over anymore

So… after my cycle got knocked over the other night by some unknown fuck-face, I’ve been thinking about what to do with it. Two options: – Make it a custom street fighter / cafe hybrid – Keep it all original and OEM stock condition and refurbish it Regardless of which route I decide to go… […]

Published - Jan 1, 2011

Comments - 10

cbr250r – overview

Although 70’s Honda’s are my favorite cycles, I’m having an absolute blast riding around NZ on my new 1987 cbr250r. I wanted to give you guys a breakdown of what the cycle is like… It’s pretty ugly, but at the same time, I kinda like the way it looks. Wether you love it or hate […]

From Past

Published - Aug 20, 2013

Great Lakes tour – day 10

Destination – two rivers Wisconsin Yea we drank too much in Milwaukee trying to make the post from yesterday… Milwaukee is wayyyy cooler than Green Bay. Green Bay can suck a dick. So… We did stuff. Hangover pending… we’ll update tomorrow.