Published - Jun 1, 2014

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Off-Road Maine — Update 3

Ben was only a few hours behind us so we got a late start to let him catch up a bit. We headed out on Rt 10, which ran parallel to a mountain. I saw a dirt road heading toward the mountain and turned off looking for some trails. We found Mud Turtle Rd. Which […]

Published - May 31, 2014

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Off-Road Maine — Update 2

We woke up in the Green Mountains, packed up and hit the dirt road. Dirt roads through the Green Mountains were fun. We stopped at the Dam Diner for a big breakfast then headed back to the Green Mountains to ride dirt through the northern section. The trails were sick. At one point there was […]

Published - May 30, 2014

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Off-Road Maine — Update 1

Roughly six months ago Ben bought an XR650L. A week later I bought one. A few weeks after that Alex bought a XR650R. Then Andrew picked up a XR600. The plan to ride to Aroostock, Maine became a reality. Then last month Dana picked up a XR650L to make it a five man Honda commercial. […]

Published - May 29, 2014

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Off road Maine

– Brian G – Ben – Alex – Andrew B – Dana The 5 of them are riding honda 600/650 enduros up to Maine and are going to live/travel off road for a bit over a week. They’re leaving today. Pretty awesome, I hope they can make some posts from the road. Can’t wait to […]

From Past

Published - Oct 4, 2011

Bonneville | The Great American Trip

I’m cruising on Interstate 80, descending through the jagged, brown peaks of Nevada, when I first set eyes on northern Utah. In an instant the landscape changes from the familiar desert to barren white flats as I cross the border. It’s fucking wild! Then came the sign for Bonneville International Speedway — I slammed on […]