NE BDR pics

NE BDR was a ton of fun. Some fun-challenging spots. I wish the whole route was like VT.
I wrote up a little thing, but I’m tired. I’m just posting the pics. And below is my pics, Jessies, and then Steves pics. Give it all a second to load up.
Overall the NE BDR was a lot of fun. Obviously very different than when I did the Idaho BDR.
I really want to do the CO or Utah BDR’s.

My pics:

Jessie pics:

Steve pics:

2 responses to “NE BDR pics”

  1. Nate says:

    “I wish the whole route was like VT.” Damn Straight. VT is the best of New England. Super bummed my dumb as bike shit out in NH and I missed it. Good thing I live here cause I’m going to make up the VT stretch on my own.

  2. Brian G says:

    Yeah, the whole route is fun…but VT is the best of the best. I would go back and do the VT section anytime.

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