Pine barrens camping

  • Got to mikes cabin.
  • Hit the trails.
  • Mark took out a tree branch with his face.
  • Dr Guzzi couldn’t go through a puddle without the DT360 crapping out.
  • I was sick and high on DayQuil entire time.
  • Mike led a good route again.
  • Barely made it to Luceille’s diner.
  • Cop pulled us over in pines… gave us some shit but then was okay.
  • No ones bike completely crapped out. Although Brad’s bike was close… was in a 4ft deep puddle.
  • My IT250 can make it 70 miles before needing gas. Confirmed.
  • Brian G can only go 30 miles. Confirmed – he ran out of gas.
  • Good camp fire. Good laughs.
  • I slept in Mikes cabin. Was great.

3 responses to “Pine barrens camping”

  1. Brad says:

    Found out the XT does not double as a submarine. Hope everyone enjoyed me trying to put my air filter on backwards and blowing my load kicking a bike 1000 times

  2. D car says:

    That elco is TIGHT

  3. Eric says:

    Great, I love your bikes … and the spirit of such rides

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From Past

Published - Jul 26, 2019

Thursday rides in July

Def still fun.