Season Opener! | Norton Show Camping Trip

UPDATE – Saturday camping trip is off due to rain. We’re still going to Norton show Sunday morning. Leaving from reanimator ‘fishtown next to loco pez’ coffee shop Sunday at 9am. Be there gassed and ready to go. We’ll get Dilly burgers for lunch after Norton show.

Forget what’s below… Read above only..

I’m looking forward to this trip. Here’s what were doing if you wanna join:

– Leaving from Reanimator Fishtown @ 4PM. Be there gassed up and ready to go
– Blast 95 to exit 51 / New Hope
– Take back roads to Dilly’s Corner for dinner
– Camp @ Deer Wood Campground in Tohickon Valley Park

– Breakfast at Point Pleasant Deli
– Gathering of the Nortons 10AM to 1PM GOOGLE MAP

Things to know this year:
– Pack your own booze and be ready to hide it if a park ranger comes through camp again this year
– Pack a sleeping bag unless you’re a stone cold cowboy.
– Bring cash
– Make sure your junker isn’t pissing oil and brake fluid



4 responses to “Season Opener! | Norton Show Camping Trip”

  1. Mike Ashleigh says:

    My favorite event of the year!

    I’ll be at the show, but I cant camp out with ya the night before.

    Maybe I’ll try to meet up with you guys for breakfast, but I’ll see you Sunday either way.

  2. Ed says:


  3. Party O'Possum says:

    Ive unscrewed all my master cylinder caps so im ready

  4. Chris f says:

    I’m a stone cold cowboy and we gonna outsmart that whipper snapper dis year! Yeehaaawww!

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From Past

Published - Apr 10, 2017

Season Opener! | Norton Show Camping Trip

UPDATE – Saturday camping trip is off due to rain. We’re still going to Norton show Sunday morning. Leaving from reanimator ‘fishtown next to loco pez’ coffee shop Sunday at 9am. Be there gassed and ready to go. We’ll get Dilly burgers for lunch after Norton show. Forget what’s below… Read above only.. I’m looking […]