Taylor’s Island Maryland Trip

Nothing beats a camping trip on motorcycles. A few of us kicked off the summer camping season with a trip down to Taylor’s Island Maryland for Memorial Day weekend.

We met up Saturday morning, grabbed some coffee and hit the road. Ed mapped out an awesome route and the majority of the ride there was nice country roads for the entire afternoon. On one particular long straight farm road Ed called Ben up to the front for a race. I’ll let you ask them who won, I hate to get in the middle of drama.

After checking in we went to a local crab shack for dinner. We sat on the porch over the water and stuffed ourselves with soft shell crab and beers. It was an amazing meal after riding all day. Ed even picked up the beer tab.. then put it right back down and made it damn clear he wasn’t paying it.

After dinner we headed back to the camp site, altered our brains a little further and laughed until we couldn’t breathe listening to Alex. He was on fire and basically performed a stand up routine for a few hours. Way too many jokes to remember but keep doing what your doing Alex.

The next morning some people headed home and the rest of us finished the beers with the first swim of the year in the bay. Even Sam joined us for his first swim ever and was so excited he plowed through a baby on the beach in celebration. Baby was fine.

Well the guys who left early had it right because we thought we had time to make the ride back home before the rain. We were very wrong. About 30 minutes in we got caught in quick down pour without any time to put the rain gear on then spent the next 5 hours riding home in pouring rain. Somewhere in Maryland Ed’s ignition gave up. Luckily Alex wasn’t too far ahead of us in his monster truck, which we lifted Ed’s bike into, and he saved the day.

We made it home safe, had a ton of laughs, and good stories. Even after the longest shittiest stretch of  highway riding in The Perfect Storm type rain.. it was better than terrible.


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6 responses to “Taylor’s Island Maryland Trip”

  1. D car says:

    Alright. I see how it is.

  2. Brad says:

    20$ on Ben.

  3. Adam says:

    Yea, fun times.

    From behind it looked like Ben won… just sayin’ what I saw. haha

  4. Nate says:

    I was the closest to the race and i’m pretty sure it was Ben.

  5. Adam says:

    No comment again, Ed?

  6. Kool Jerk says:

    Great Trip Everyone!

    Don’t get me wrong Ed, you were fast…..just not as fast as I thought you would be.

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From Past

Published - Feb 11, 2010

ss brake line

Replaced the shitty oem rubber/solid pipe with a stainless brake line from Max. Huge thanks to him for hooking me up with it. had to trim a spare banjo bolt to make it work but i’m real happy with the results. this should really improve my marginal braking power. THANKS MAX!!!