Bowers Beach camping trip

  • Camping trip
  • Sat July 21
  • Meet at LaColombe on frankford
  • 10am
  • Be gassed up before arriving
  • Gonna take Rt9 from 95 all way to Rt1
  • Rt9 is such a great ride. Road is along the Delaware Bay entire way. Known for flooding in spots.
  • Camp out on south Bowers Beach in Delaware
  • Swim across Murderkill river to bar
  • Come back Sunday mid day
  • Should be good


Screen Shot 2018-06-26 at 1.50.29 PM

3 responses to “Bowers Beach camping trip”

  1. Brian G says:

    Let me know if you need a police escort for this trip…

  2. Adam says:

    Looks like we’ll need a boat escort just to get there.

  3. D car says:

    Shit, I’ll be out of town this weekend. Looks rad though, except for the flooded roads part, not sure about that

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Published - Aug 8, 2011

Life Moves

New Van: New home: New garage: New projects: All of this in 3 months. Pretty much uprooted everything I own and went through every last bit of it. I’m finally starting to wrench again in my spare time and I’m really stoked for the things coming up. two triumph projects, some serious fab work, shaggin […]