Philly to Canada – day 15


Ten reasons I’ll never come back to Albany:
1) it’s colder than Philly
2) no one lives downtown. Deserted city.
3) people look / act like mutants
4) everyone is fat
5) no motorcycle scene here
6) zero attractive girls… Unless you like fat chicks
7) no good food / restaurants
8) no good colleges to go people watch at
9) there are no gas stations downtown… wtf
10) we’re sitting in the worlds most horrible McDonalds wet and cold

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From Past

Published - Jan 23, 2011

1980 cb750 – i love this cycle

My opinion… this cycle is pretty close to perfect. Had to post it. Guess where the battery is and win a prize. – Yea, the bars could be flipped upside-down. So what. – Yea, the decal on the tank is kinda cheezy. So what. – Yea, the dirt-bike footpegs are a tiny bit odd. So […]