Bike Vault – NZ

There’s a cycle storage place here in Auckland, NZ called “Bike Vault”. Basically it’s a place to store expensive motorcycles if you don’t have a garage.

Max’s cousin Colin is buddies with one of the older guys who runs it, so, one day Colin and I stopped over and they gave me a tour. It’s real legit inside. It looks like a newly built warehouse that’s sectioned off as inner “closets” and there’s a work-space area. Entire floor is fresh concrete with “shop epoxy coating” so if you spill shit, it doesn’t matter. Super nice and clean inside. Cycle mechanics wet dream i’d imagine.

Look at this for a better explanation of their idea. It’s pretty rad.

When I was there, I saw a ton of mint classic cycles. They had some really rare old cycles, including:
– Honda CX650 turbo,
– Honda CBX
– ton of old British stuff
– some race Ducati’s
– race Kawasaki’s

The guys who run this race older cycles in the “classic” division (or whatever the division is called) and they have a ton of crazy race parts for their old cycles. Pretty nuts. The one guy was showing me all their backup Kawasaki motors, everything’s custom. They make some of their own race parts.

Take a look at their website.
Also look at their Flickr for more pics of rad old cycles.

If and when you guys come visit me, this place, and also, Deus Ex Machina, are the 2 cycles spots that are a must-see. Both are within walking distance from my place.

4 responses to “Bike Vault – NZ”

  1. scott says:

    They look very legit and the bikes shown are fantastic. Packages start at $100 NZD ($75 USD), which isn’t too bad, but they don’t list actual prices. Do you know what the STARTER 2 or INTERMEDIATE storage options cost?

  2. Adam says:

    Bike Vault is definitely an appropriate name for that place. Must have been sweet to see those bikes in person.

  3. Justin says:

    Definitely some legit bikes. Crazy service too! I’ve never heard of such a thing, but I can definitely see how it’s practical.

    @Ed – I hope you nor your special lady friend had any issues with that crazy earthquake that NZ just got.

  4. ed says:

    the NZ earthquake was real far south. It’d be like Florida having a quake… PA wouldn’t feel it.
    But, yea, pretty scary shit.

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Published - Mar 22, 2020

Doomsday Kenzo CoronaVirus

Kenzo woods. Get it in one last time. Nice knowing you guys.