We just did a long ass ride, up and down, all through the Rockies. The turns are insane. Now we’re drinking some cold local beers and eating lunch. Psyched.
fyi – our cycles are running weird and dirt slow at 6 thousand feet up
8 responses to “Philly to Denver update #5”
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FUCK YEAH.. Im super psyched for you guys
congrats duders.
what was adam’s electrical issue that took a day to figure out?
His kill switch was fucked up. Basically it was shutting the cycle off intermittently.
Seriously took a long ass time to narrow it down.
that sucks, i take it your not going to switch jets for altitude cause your only up there for a bit? Im jealous as hell of you guys. ride on dudes.
We don’t have to change jets. The 450 and 500 have CV carbs which means that they self adjust based on air pressure. For example, our CV carbs don’t need to be re-jetted for pod filters.
So up here at 6-10 thousand feet we’re ok. Bikes are still slow, but no need to re-tune carbs.
I hope the second half of our trip goes as smooth as the first half, we leave tomorrow morning.
awesome, i knew a lot of ATV’s and dirtbikes ran them but was unaware that the 450 and 500 had CV’s, pretty sweet man. good luck, ride safe.
I want a freedom beard too rock that shit
Yea, I think we would have really had some issues starting in Kansas if we didnt have the CV carbs on both our bikes. The Rockies ride was some of the most techincal 100+ miles Ive ever ridden. It was so intense I couldnt shoot photos while we rode.