Philly to Denver update #1

– slightly west of knoxville tn sun night
– making our daily destinations
– renegade camping has worked so far
– same with renegade swimming and pooping
– virginia has crazy backroads
– making up distance on highways
– no girls flashed bitties yet while riding
– cycles running solid
– averaging 1 mile per min
– my hands are f’in sunburnt
– lake meemow is sick
– sitting in arby’s right now, Adam ate meat
– I wanna laugh at people in the south they sound so stupid
– I sleep with a mini shovel, Adam with hactchet
– Adam dropped his cycle in grass on day one
– I shit in a river

4 responses to “Philly to Denver update #1”

  1. Todd says:

    Sounds like you wrote half of this shit on lsd.

  2. andrew says:

    Awesome update! Kinda bummed Adam ate meat.

  3. justin says:

    I’m loving the narrative! Bummer about the girls…

  4. aaron says:

    ADAM ATE MEAT!!!!!! welcome to the real world.

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Published - Apr 24, 2014

Vintage Motorcycles and BMX

Motorcycles are cool but BMX will always fuckin rule.