Published - Jun 5, 2014

Comments - 2

Breakout Campout

Hey guys, I’m leading the ride again to this year’s Breakout. The ride alone is epic and the payoff is one of the coolest campgrounds I’ve ever done camped at—There’s a biker bar on the campground. We’ve also rallied four killer bands that are sure to make your face melt. Meet me at the Barbary at […]

From Past

Published - Jan 8, 2016

KZ650 Performance Project | 1

If you’ve ever taken a look at a KZ650 and researched its history you will know that it was produced to be faster, lighter, and more powerful than any other 650 and 750 during the mid-to-late 70’s.  For that reason I had desired this bike for awhile.  I spotted one on craigslist for $500 and jumped […]