rushcyclesracing, harleyfuckingdavidson, harley, davidson, flattrack, gratzfair, getinthevan

Published - Apr 27, 2018

Comments - 8

A Day at the Races

Woke up early this past Saturday and boogied out on the Sportster to the fairgrounds in Gratz, PA, just over the mountain. I was trying to take pictures of (no 59) Kletus’ van, but everyone kept getting in the way. The Rush Cycles crew from Jersey was out running their Ironheads. If you’ve ever been […]

From Past

Published - Oct 4, 2011

Bonneville | The Great American Trip

I’m cruising on Interstate 80, descending through the jagged, brown peaks of Nevada, when I first set eyes on northern Utah. In an instant the landscape changes from the familiar desert to barren white flats as I cross the border. It’s fucking wild! Then came the sign for Bonneville International Speedway — I slammed on […]