Published - Mar 28, 2018

Comments - 2

Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 4

Part 4: Scootin’ around Hội An -Following our 7 day adventure in the north, we moved onto the 2nd leg of our trip. The central coastal city of Hội An. This town is known for its preserved ancient architecture and its tailors. To say its a tourist town is an understatement but nonetheless still an […]

From Past

Published - Jul 10, 2011

Camping trip Summer 2011 – photos

If you missed the camping trip, you missed out big time. Sat night was pretty awesome. I was on auto-pilot the whole night. I’m sure you’ll hear some of the stories of the craziness that went down at the “bars”. haha. Check “I like the weekend” for all the images!