s2000 VS snow

yea… my s2000 is an earlier AP2 which means it has no traction control. For those of you who didn’t know… the s2000 is rear-wheel drive and mine has g-force sport tires, which are awesome sticky summer tires.

So… snow VS the s2000….
– snow wins by a long shot

Some dickface piled all their sidewalk snow on top of my car, which is bad news since it’s a cloth soft-top. Def can’t have all that weight sitting on top. I was not psyched.

I shoveled my ass off… and Erin enjoyed taking a nap with Jasper.

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From Past

Published - Sep 20, 2021

Sunnnny Sunday NJ

Yep – riding dirt bikes is still super fun. The IT250 still does almost everything great. Street ride over the bridge to get to trails. Rips pretty awesome in the dirt for its age. Then street ride home with some little highway. Can’t beat it. Tyler is an animal.