How to stay dry for cheap

Adam and I are riding to Denver in Sept. to visit our close buddy Matt. I’ve been researching how to stay dry for cheap. What I’ve come up with so far are these two items.

Stearns rain suit from walmart.

  • bought it for $20 from walmart in Cherry Hill
  • used it yesterday to ride back and forth to work in the rain… stayed bone dry. It was perfect
  • pretty heavy / thick material. not flimsy at all. it didn’t blow around at all. too thick to blow around.
  • I bought a large and it fits nice and snug overtop all my work clothes
  • it snaps tight around your wrists and ankles
  • Link to walmart rain suit here.

Seal Line – 60Liter – Storm Sack

  • completely waterproof. They make more rugged bags, but I think the “storm sack” is perfect.
  • I haven’t bought this yet. But I most likely am. Unless I can find something better.
  • 60 Liters is pretty damn big. I looked at one in a hiking store last night.
  • It’s big enough to fit my sleeping bag, clothes, and bunch of other shit i dont ever want getting wet.
  • I guess this shit is made for kayakers? But seems like a good solution for motorcycle camping.
  • It’ll fit well tied down to the back of my cycle rack.
  • $35 online for the 60 Liter
  • Link to Seal Line Bag here.

Let me know if you guys have any better solutions for staying dry for cheap…

2 responses to “How to stay dry for cheap”

  1. scott says:


    While I don’t have any experience with either product specifically, I do know quite a few folks that have and really like the Seal Line sacks. So with that said, I’d give it a thumbs up!

    Personally, I have a couple of Helen Two Wheels bags and can’t praise them enough. I have the Clothes Sack – L (48.2 litres), which I got because it is like a duffel bag (opening is at the top) and thought it’d be easier to pack, easier to get at things when on the road or at Rallys and easier to carry around when off the bike. This item is nearly 3 times as much as the Seal Line product, but I spent the extra money for the reasons given in the previous sentence, which are very important factors for me when on the road. Alternatively, Helen Two Wheels makes a Roll Top Sack (L – 48.2 litres – $50), which is similar to the Seal Line bag and a little closer in price. It’s also important to note that the Helen Two Wheels stuff is heavy duty and will last you a lifetime, which was also a determining factor when I was looking for moto-luggage. So although the H2W’s LARGE Top Sack has 12 litres less packing ability and is $15 more, I think it is probably a better buy.

    Another thing to bring up, while on the subject of moto-luggage is…….I’m wondering if that 60 litre bag might be a bit too big to strap on the back of your bikes. My bag is 48.2 litres and is 12″ x 26″ when fully packed and that’s about as big as I’d want to pack on the back of my Guzzi or Thruxton.

    As far as rainsuits are concerned, $20 is a great price and the one you bought looks pretty decent. I’d continue using it and see how things work out. My only question would be…..will it keep you dry for hours on the road, in heavy downpours at 60 mph? We’ll soon see! 🙂

  2. admin says:

    thanks for the input Scott, I’ll def check out the helen2wheels stuff.

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From Past

Published - Jan 27, 2011

Riding September

This video from Riding September is rad. Shot really well and it’s an amazing song. Makes me miss warm days and riding bikes with you guys (when it ran). Check out their site.