Adventures of a Shop Girl

Hey everyone, this is Janelle…newest contributor, and new pal/rider with the guys here. I’ve been riding for about a year and a half, as long as I’ve had my 1971 cb350. A couple weeks ago, I decided I should finally start learning about my own bike, and the vintage cycles that I love. I hit up Adam Cramer at Liberty Vintage, and just like that I am the new shop girl there! I am totally stoked to learn everything I can about old cycles, especially since my own leaves me stranded sometimes…how can I stay mad at her though?

So, I was thinking that there might be some riders out there (maybe girls?!!!!) just getting into riding or vintage bikes, that like me, are eager to learn more. I’m gonna share some of my motorcycle shop weekends with you while I’m doing it. I hope to meet more of you on rides this summer.

11 responses to “Adventures of a Shop Girl”

  1. Aaron says:

    Denim twin,

    Congrats on the new gig. Excited to see some of your posts especially on those 350’s.

  2. ed says:

    Glad you’re into it Janelle.
    Hope to see you on more of the rides, and looking forward to your shop-girl posts!

  3. scott says:

    Congratulations and welcome aboard!

  4. Adam says:

    yea yea, I think it’ll be a interesting/different view on the vintage cycles. Glad to have you aboard, Janelle.

  5. Martin says:

    Hey Janelle, im not a girl, and far away in Sweden, but I am picking up my first bike, a -73 Honda 350F this weekend. I am so stoked! Gonna need all the help I can get, so I’ll be sure to check out this blog even more now!

  6. ludwig says:


  7. Adam says:

    Sweden! That’s awesome. Send us some pictures of the 350 when you get it.

  8. janelle says:

    martin, congrats on the bike! good luck with it, and keep us posted!

  9. Martin says:

    Hey guys, thanks, gonna keep you posted! I’ll take some before, after and during pics and mail ’em, gonna café it up a little bit and you’ll probably see where I got my inspiration, you got some rad bikes in Philly!

  10. Sarah says:

    Hello friend! Just now reading this post and excited to see another girl who is just as enthralled with vintage cycles as I am! I have a 1980 CB 400 Honda Hawk and love it like a child. While I’m all the way out in the midwest, it sure would be fun to chat about bitchin cycles together! 🙂

  11. SANTANA says:

    @janelle It’s been a loooong time since I’ve seen ya but Hey! I just stumbled upon this awesome site and Boom! look how it is. …You! So these are the peeps that you kick it with once and a while you were telling me about? If so, cool. I really enjoy what they is doing with this site. Seems like a really fun spirited venture, and I appreciate that sort of stuff. Maybe I’ll come out for a ride with you guys sometime. ….well, if I can work out the kinks with my bike. It’s my first bike and I’m kinda on my own with it, so it gets a little difficult to figure out issues by myself, but i’m keeping optimistic. Needless to say, I’m still [slowly] learning. Well, I hope you, your old man (Rob, right?), and your bike are well. Feel free to contact me about bike stuff or rides any time. All my best. See you on the street!

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From Past

Published - Apr 16, 2015

Pictures from Austin MotoGP and the Handbuilt Motorcycle Show

So in order to keep a record (both written and photographic) of the our shared motorcycling experience, I have started a blog called Bike-Specific. It is still in its infancy, but the goal is to focus more on the experience of motorcycling whether it be going to a show, taking a road trip or building/working […]