Gypsy Run 5 photos

What an awesome ride. Including the ride up and back I did around 750 miles in 3 days all over northeast Pennsylvania. Thanks to Walter from Kickstart cycle Supply for putting on this awesome event. Tons of cool bikes and cool people. Special thanks to Sean and his brother for navigating the first day and to Chris and Matt for sticking with me on the ride back while I sorted out some electrical bugs.

Sean’s brother (I feel shitty – totally forgot the dude’s name) had this sweet swingarm shovel that I just fell in love with. So many awesome people – Mike from 47 Industries (cracked his frame and welded it in the diner parking lot! took best roadside repair!), Jd with his longfork shovel that took best of show, Michael of The World is Flat who is taking by far some of the best cycle photos, Chris who rode down from Vancouver only to have his engine blow up as he rolled into Jersey … too many people to mention.

I ended up taking the award for “rolling deathtrap” for having the bike that looks like it should fall apart but does every last mile of the run. I’m honored. GR6 isn’t close enough. Thanks for getting me so stoked on bikes.

all packed.

friday’s camp

73′ swingarm shovel

Norton Commando – won the best British bike award

Saturday’s camp.


my bike finally went platinum – about time.

Make sure you guys try to do the Brooklyn Invitational this Saturday and support these dudes and see some awesome bikes.

3 responses to “Gypsy Run 5 photos”

  1. ed says:

    fuck yea… looks sick.
    pics are awesome too.

  2. mick says:

    trip looks super fun. love seeing the chopper on 46th street. my friend said it was the the scariest motorcycle ever…..

  3. Richard says:

    Hah! Yeah, Kev. Scariest bike, thats funny. I think that award will make you a good candidate for the I Dont Give A Fuck Contest.

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From Past

Published - Oct 18, 2013

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