Tom – Nova Scotia trip – round 2

So after a spill and a couple months off the bike, I made my official return to riding motorycles again in a big way last week by taking a trip up to Nova Scotia. Shit was rad. I made a 3300 mile loop in 9 days through 8 states and two Canadian provinces. I saw and rode everything from droning highway to shoreline twisties and mountain passes. I even threw in a few dirt roads for good measure. On the way back I stopped in New Hampshire to climb Mt. Washington on what turned out to be one of the best days of the year up there. I would highly recommend making the trek up through the great northeast and beyond if you ever get the chance.

Full set of color pics here.

3 responses to “Tom – Nova Scotia trip – round 2”

  1. Jeremy says:

    Very awesome. I’ll be on my way up there in just over 3 weeks. Can’t wait to see it again.

  2. Peter says:

    Tom, you rule! Gotta do this trip soon for sure.

  3. Ben says:

    Glad to see you back on the horse, Tom.

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From Past

Published - Jul 25, 2015

Pa trip round 2 – day 1

Adam, Ben and Alex are girls and went to bed before 4am. Enough said.  Ben got kicked out of a strip club.