Helping a friend and fellow biker

About 2 months ago my friend Tomy Lipka was involved in a horrific motorcycle accident. His bills are piling up, he is out of work and needs any and all the help he can get. I’ll let him explain:

“On June 22nd 2012 I was involved in a motorcycle accident in rockingham North Carolina. My good friend Mike was driving and I was on the back. We lost control of the bike. I fell off the bike at a pretty high speed, Mike continued with the bike and hit a building.

Mike passed away at the scene of the accident. Fortunately for me I was still alive. But very injured. I suffered a hangman’s fracture in my c2 vertebra, a hairline fracture to my t7 vertebra, two broken ribs and an open book fracture to my pelvis. I had to be air lifted to the Carolina Medical Center in Charlotte NC. I stayed in the hospital for about two weeks where I had to undergo surgery to rebuild my pelvis. A metal strap and screws were mounted in the front and an eight inch bolt was mounted through my side.

After the accident my mother took me in at her home in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Because of the pelvis injury I cannot walk. I am out of work and do not have any Heath insurance. My medical bills are very large. The life flight bill is $27,030.00 and the bill for just the stay in the hospital was $83,027.00, the was after a $53,000.00 credit for being self pay. These are just the two main bills. There are separate bills for the surgery, x-rays and ct scans. There have been several follow up appointments and prescriptions.

The bills get higher and higher every day. I had applied through the state for medical assistance but was denied on a technicality for not providing paperwork that was in fact provided. I am in the process of applying for an appeal. But due to my unemployment and general lack of funds I have no way to pay these bills. Any help would be greatly appreciated.”
Thank you.

If you have anything to give please donate at this site and please spread the word:

Thank you and ride safe friends.

3 responses to “Helping a friend and fellow biker”

  1. adam says:

    Sorry to hear that. Hope Tomy heals up soon.

  2. admin says:

    Damn dude.

  3. Anthony says:

    I heard about this when it happened. Best of luck for a speedy recovery Tomy.

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From Past

Published - Oct 20, 2010

Peter all day

Our buddy Peter is still on his trip across country on his BMW. Check out his blog here.