TUESDAY Oct 16th | The Barbary

Motorcycles and $3 city wides…

Starting the night at 2 wheel Tuesday at the Abbaye and figuring it out from there.


5 responses to “TUESDAY Oct 16th | The Barbary”

  1. Devyn says:

    What the flyer leaves off is the “Ride to Thunder Fuck”. Everyone is meeting at “The Garage” 1864 Frankford Ave. at 7pm for cold beers. We’re riding to Ludwig’s in S. Philly at 8pm for a pow-wow around the barrel fire, then shredding the asphalt north to the Barbary.

  2. ed says:


  3. Devyn says:

    Also, for those going to TWT, Bill Becker is rolling out his completed ultra vintage CZ Indian project tonight around 6.

  4. Jason says:

    Last night was fun. Thanks for inviting everyone. Thanks for the beer too.

  5. Devyn says:

    Yeah, some good times. We’re Getting together same time at the garage next tues.

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From Past

Published - Dec 20, 2011

Summertime Film | roll#1

This summer I carried my 35mm Pentax camera for the occassional shot. I mainly shoot digital but appreciate the look and feel of film in certain situations. I’ve been really slow with finishing rolls so I actually only shot a hand full. I’ve gotten some developed recently and the pictures are a random sampling of […]