Bored Stroked and Ported

It’s that time again, ladies.

Meet at Cast and Salvage at 6:00 pm this Saturday the 24th. We will drive to Brooklyn to crash and burn with our consummate hosts Works Engineering. The show is Sunday, will probably take off around 2:00 pm to head back to Philly. Its gonna be a fun 20 hours in Brooklyn. So bring whatever you need to sleep on the floor of a motorcycle shop and don’t be late…..Andrew.


9 responses to “Bored Stroked and Ported”

  1. Devyn says:

    Ben, you managed to break from the books for 20 hours?

  2. Ben says:

    Actually, Me, You, and Alex are going to study most of the night with Ray.

  3. Quinn says:

    Will we be taking a 3 hour tour of Trenton this time?

  4. Ben says:

    Nope, were hitting Newark this year @Quinn.

  5. Rina says:

    Last year was so much fun.
    let’s nix the trenton tour and riding through the city leaving this time around tho..

  6. Ryan says:

    Let me know when you guys get in! I’ll come hang.

  7. Ben says:

    3 Things:

    -Fill up your tank before you get to C&S. We are only stopping once.
    -Leave your blades at home- Great way to get pinched by NYPD
    -Buy your smokes in Philly, or youll pay $14 in the City.

  8. Mike A. says:

    Ricky’s bike is on the banner! Nice.

  9. bill braile says:

    Great show, unreal weather, here’s my pics, please use any as you see fit.

    Great to see everyone!

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From Past

Published - Jul 27, 2013

license plates and driving history

I like where my license plate sits on my cb650. See if you can find it in the above pic. Yea… it’s sort of hidden, but it’s also sort of visible from certain angles. I’ve ridden in front of so many cops through the city for years, and no one has ever given me a […]