Wilderness Collective

I’m going to make a prediction… Summer 2014 is going to be all about old dirt bikes in the woods.

So… maybe it’d be a good idea to pick up a dirt bike if you don’t already have one.
Probably the older and shittier, the better.

I had this video forwarded to me and I thought it was pretty decent.
Makes me want to rip around. And get a dirt bike. I don’t have one yet either. But I have my eye on a couple… put those bmx skills to use. Who wants to make some dirt bike jumps in Fairmount park?

10 responses to “Wilderness Collective”

  1. Jim says:

    If anything, this video made me hungry moreso then wanting to ride dirtbikes.

    Ed, what are you thinking of picking up?

  2. Carson says:

    If you’re interested in picking up an old yamaha DT. I’m going to pickup a DT360 and a Dt400 this weekend, but the guy also has a DT175, a LT2 100 and another 360 for a decent price. Let me know if you’re interested.

  3. ed says:

    I’m not sure yet.

    Yea, I’m interested.
    I sent you an email.

  4. Brian says:

    That was some damn good looking camp food.
    That video also makes me want to ride dirt bikes in Yosemite.
    How long would it take me to ride a DT125 to CA?

  5. Ben says:

    Bikes were cool. Video was lame. It looked like they were all outfitted with the same bikes, helmets, boots, pack.

    Lets see more videos of dirt bags riding through the woods at day and sitting around a fire at night eating out of cans and leering at little girls.

  6. tom says:

    Ben, that vid was definitely a commercial for Honda, Icon, and some backpack/ gear company. That said, vid was sorta cool and if Honda and some gear company wanted to give me and my friends a bike and a bunch of free shit to to ride around the woods while shooting video, then I am all over it. Alex, hook that up for us. Gear field reviews for all!

  7. adam says:

    I would definitely rock any gear donated to the next Dirt Bike Weekend. Throw in a Go-Pro and we’ll film the whole thing too.

    They definitely upped us on the food too. That was some gourmet camp cooking compared to our beer can boiled sausages.

  8. Mike Ashleigh says:

    I’ll just say I’m hesitant to align myself with the kind of narrative prominent in that video.

    It aint camping if at some point your sausage hasn’t gone inside of a beer can.

    I forgot to gopro the dual sport ride on the last camping trip. Oops.

    Longer distance, low displacement off road/dual sport ride this spring?

  9. Steve says:


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From Past

Published - May 14, 2018

Thunderfuck Run – The Return

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