Kenso go-pro

Our buddy Mike shot some go-pro footage over the weekend. Riding back in the kenso woods is so much damn fun.

The vid footage is from saturday, but on sunday adam and I found a homeless persons home. Literally a shit box, and then 30 mins later some sketchy dude was creeping through the brush coming towards us, so we peaced out. It can def get sketchy back there.


10 responses to “Kenso go-pro”

  1. Ben says:


  2. Tom says:

    Sick! That looks like so much fun.

  3. Quin says:

    So much fun it should be illegal…..

  4. Rick says:

    Sick Airs!

  5. Chris francione says:

    Serious air!

  6. Mike says:

    Anyone down to wager a 6 pack for first person to clear the table top jump? Someone needs to do it.

  7. ed says:

    I got that shit.

  8. Adam says:

    The lip needs to be shaped better to get enough air to clear that table top.

  9. Adam says:

    Ed and I shaped up the lip and landing last night so it might actually be possible to clear the jump now.

  10. Jim says:


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From Past

Published - Aug 22, 2013

Harley museum

So… While in Milwaukee, we stopped and did the Harley museum tour. It was pretty epic. Normally I can’t really get interested in Harley’s. Anyway… The Harley museum was sick and I loved a lot of the stock looking ones from the 50-80’s. The sportster xr 750 and 1000 stand out to me. They’re badass. […]