Thursday rides starting back up

It’s finally warm outside.
We are doing the thursday rides starting with May 1st and continuing through the spring / summer / fall.

Come out for a ride. See you there.
BP gas station at 25th and Poplar at 8pm’ish.

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5 responses to “Thursday rides starting back up”

  1. Ben says:

    @Ed- Why do you have a picture of Adam dry-humping a bag from a camping trip on a Thursday night ride post?

  2. Adam says:

    @Ben… can’t wait to see the pics that come from your ‘finding yourself in Maine’ trip this year.

  3. Enzo says:

    Hi guys,

    Ed had let me know about your group while we were waiting at a red light last year. I have since sold my 1980 Yamaha XJ650 Maxim that I had converter in a bobber to buy a HD Sportster converted into a cool one seater. I know you guys are more into vintage bikes so I was wondering if you’re weekly riding group was open to everybody? or a specific type of bike only? I’ve ridden my whole life in France but haven’t found many dudes to ride with in Philly since i’ve moved here a few years ago.


  4. ed says:

    hey Enzo, yea, I remember you. Cool, come out for a ride sometime. Doesn’t matter what you’re riding.

  5. Enzo says:

    Sounds good, will do.

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From Past

Published - Jun 27, 2019

Canadian Rockies – day 10

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