Workshop Hybernation

This winter hasn’t been nearly as bad as last years with record snow fall but it has been damn cold. I’ve been spending most cold nights in my workshop slowly working on my list of projects. The KZ750 has been starting to take shape a little more. A couple nights ago I finished the new seat rails which got rid of the drop seat look. Lots more to go but having fun working on it.


And then there’s this project bike…. lots going on with it that i’ll have to make some posts about.


10 responses to “Workshop Hybernation”

  1. craig l says:

    Finally!!! a post!!! keep posting, we enjoy it! Great shop btw…

  2. colin says:

    Hell yeah nice band saw!!

  3. Chris francione says:

    Finally a post! Come on fellas someone plan a trip or write up a build! Thanx Adam for breaking the ice, no pun…..

  4. Adam says:

    Thanks guys.

    Chris, lets see a post about your KZ440 creation.

  5. Alex V says:

    Nice progress! Lines look good and I really like that tank. Keep the updates coming.

  6. Luke says:

    Anyone heading to the Modern Classic Show in Boyertown in the beginning of March?

  7. Jim says:

    Coming along nice, Adam!

  8. Ben the Man says:

    How does a Spring Pine Barren’s Camping Trip sound, fellas? Im thinking maybe the 28th. Thoughts?

  9. Andy says:

    Which bike is the tank comin from, looks killer!

  10. John says:

    Thanks for the inspiration to start my fzr 600 project bike I’ve been buying parit’s all summer great shop.

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From Past

Published - Sep 23, 2012

Philly to Canada – day 10

Spent the day exploring Acadia. We finally got some great weather so we took full advantage of it. We did a short hike in the morning and then spent the rest of the day exploring the island on the cycles and enjoying the twisty roads. One of the many awesome views of the day.