Husqvarna WR250 | Motor Breakdown

Due to the stuck crank and the sick smell of mouse piss coming from the motor I decided it was necessary to split the cases to clean and inspect everything. I was happy to find that all the internals appear to be in good condition after a good cleaning. The stuck crank seems to just have been due to dried gas/oil/mouse piss. On the bad side, I found some small gouges in the bottom of the case that need to be welded. The challenge is, the cases are magnesium.




4 responses to “Husqvarna WR250 | Motor Breakdown”

  1. brad says:

    thats some quality repairs on the magneto/woodruff key. At least the gouges aren’t where the bearing sits.

  2. Adam says:

    yea, i didn’t mention that but included the photos. The stator had fused to the crank. I touched up the crank with a file but because its hardened steel it still needs more work. I need to use my carbide burr with my air tool to get it and the stator cleaned up. Never saw this happen before.

  3. Cool Jerk says:

    Cant wait to see this thing ripping around on the oval track at mid-Ohio in 2020.

  4. Ed says:

    Thanks for taking over the website Adam. I guess I dropped the ball on it.

    Good post.

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From Past

Published - Apr 29, 2013

Heading North

A crew of us headed out of Philly for a weekend of motorcycle freebirdin.