Z1 drool

The 73-75 z1 has the coolest color schemes. Droooooolllll…

My z1 is a 74, but for some reason the dude I got it from had tank and tail from 75 on it. I’m gonna get my shit repainted back to 74 colors. 

So, either: green with yellow stripes or maroon-brown with orange stripes. I can’t decide.

3 responses to “Z1 drool”

  1. Colin says:

    Fuck it, just build it into a drag bike. You have enough street bikes anyway…

  2. Tall Alex says:

    A giant ass swing arm will improve the look of that bike far more than any paint job ever could.

  3. Mike says:

    Yea Ed live a little.. be somebody!

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From Past

Published - Jun 10, 2017

Troglodytes Show 2017

This years Night of the Troglodytes was awesome. Saw some really unique choppers and even had a couple friends bikes in the show. Besides Dcars, I think my favorites were the knucklehead with the green frame and vader wheels and the Triumph with the black tank and chrome frame. I can’t wait to have a […]