Canadian Rockies – day 11

Polebridge MO to east Glacier MO

  • Wake up and hang at general store in Polebridge. Such a great spot
  • Colin takes us into Glacier
  • Take the Going to the Sun road up 6k miles … great views at top
  • Pretty touristy area
  • Rode in a bunch of rain to get to campsite
  • Watched some dude on a 30k Harley bagger dump it. Tried to help him out
  • Camped with the bears again

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From Past

Published - Jun 5, 2014

Breakout Campout

Hey guys, I’m leading the ride again to this year’s Breakout. The ride alone is epic and the payoff is one of the coolest campgrounds I’ve ever done camped at—There’s a biker bar on the campground. We’ve also rallied four killer bands that are sure to make your face melt. Meet me at the Barbary at […]