Brooklyn Invitational Photos

The Brooklyn Invitational was this past Saturday and it was a blast. Good people, good times, good beer and crazy bikes. There was a bunch of big name custom bike builders there – Max Schaaf, Chopper Dave and Shinya Kimura to name a few. Dice Mag did an excellent job and gave away tons of free shit and had a raffle for a skateboarder/rider that has MS. Lots of love. This the first roll I shot, I’ve got another of actual B&W that I’m getting developed on Wednesday – I’ll post them then.

Edit: for more photos check out my Picasa gallery here.

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From Past

Published - Mar 6, 2017

Ghetto Bird vs Cool Guy in Philadelphia

120+ mph on Kelly Drive. Don’t know who this dude is but there has to be more to the story of why the ghetto bird was after him. I doubt it was for going 60mph on Kelly just before stopping at the gas station. If you don’t recognize it, he starts out at the intersection […]