Ride 2 Skate Photos – round 1

Ride 2 Skate was a ton of fun.
Cast & Salvage had a table set up and seemed to get some real positive feedback.

I’ll be the first to admit I know jack shit about Harley’s and bobbers…
Kevin Ludwig did a good job explaining what’s what… and showed me some real rare cool bikes including a couple knuckleheads and a xr1000.

If I ever get a harley it’ll definitely be something like that… super old, rigid frame, small as shit, can’t do anything but go straight… leaking oil everywhere, modified out the ass… ratty as shit…

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From Past

Published - Sep 29, 2020

SW Montana Offroad Week – Vids

A couple vids I had laying around from the SW Montana offroad week. Man, that was a ton of fun.