Published - Mar 15, 2016

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You Best Fuckin’ Belize it: Day Two

Morning of our 2nd day was the complete opposite of our previous. The sun was raging by 7am; it would easily be in the high 80’s today. I quickly forgot about the shitty Philadelphia winter I left behind, and was fully adjusted to the Caribbean climate. Today started with a trip back to see Emma […]

Published - Mar 11, 2016

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You Best Fuckin’ Belize It: Day One

Morning comes early in the tropics. The sleepy Caribbean beach towns come alive as early as 6am. We found ourselves up by 7 shaking off the fog of too many Belikin Lagers and copious amounts of Belizean One Barrel Rum from the previous night’s local Garifuna band session. It was our first night and we […]

From Past

Published - Sep 13, 2013

bike rack on a motorcycle

So… I’ve met Clint a few times. He’s a cool dude. Kills it riding trails. Even if you don’t like bmx… you’ll enjoy this vid. It’s mainly about Clint’s “living-free” lifestyle. He has an old Airstream trailer he lives out of and tows around the country with his veggie-diesel van. He travels for free due […]