Published - May 6, 2016

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Number 8 Wire Motorcycles West Coast Trip

Our buddy Colin just started out on a pretty long motorcycle camping trip touring the west coast. Check out some of the photos if you want to feel more cabin fever during this week+ of rain we’ve been having in Philly. Check him out on Instagram: number8wiremotorcycles Ready to roll!! It's been mad but both […]

Published - Jun 5, 2014

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Breakout Campout

Hey guys, I’m leading the ride again to this year’s Breakout. The ride alone is epic and the payoff is one of the coolest campgrounds I’ve ever done camped at—There’s a biker bar on the campground. We’ve also rallied four killer bands that are sure to make your face melt. Meet me at the Barbary at […]

Published - Jun 7, 2013

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ThunderFuck Run/Camping

Thought I’d plug this one more time… We’re leaving tomorrow from the Barbary (Frankford & Delaware Ave) at 10am tomorrow to head up to the Barbary Breakout, which is basically a bunch of bands (including our friend Demian’s Serpent Throne) free beer and dj’s in the middle of mountains. There are tickets for sale, but […]

Published - May 7, 2013

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Barbary Breakout! Camping Run

Back in February, at the bottom of a glass of whiskey, we concocted a scheme of the greatest caliber. Take the camping trips and adding entertainment — And I’m not talking about Duncannon strip clubs. I’m talking bands, dj parties, prize giveaways and the whole thing sponsored by Pabst (get excited Adam, it’s all the PBR […]

From Past

Published - Jul 31, 2014

Extending a CB360 brake stay

Not all the jobs needed to modify a motorcycle are really all that interesting and extending the CB360’s brake stay to accommodate the extended swing arm shows this. However, the prep and clamping that this took I think is a good example of how to work with something round. Maybe this will give you some […]