Published - Feb 28, 2014

Comments - 3

Race of Gentlemen 2

With this Monday’s impending snow vortex bringing another foot of snow, I figure I’d dig up these “remember the warm days” photos… Race of Gentlemen, in it’s second year, has already become a trophy weekend for our kind. The petrol-fueled celebration leaves vacant streets at the mercy of flathead-powered burnouts and slow-burn cruising. Shirtless dance-riots […]

From Past

Published - Mar 27, 2018

Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 3

Part 3: Cao Bằng to Hanoi Day 5: Quảng Uyên to Bản Giốc waterfalls -I got up before the roosters today and not cause I wanted to. A bit of the old ultra violence erupted in my stomach that brought me to the knees of the great porcelain god. There was no returning to sleep, […]