Published - Aug 21, 2017

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Ferry’s Wear Bikes

This past weekend I finally did something I’ve had on my list for awhile: take my bike on the Cape May Ferry. Since a few of the guys expressed interest on what it’s like for MC’s, I figured I’d share my experience. The planned trip was to OC, MD for couple days in the sun […]

Published - Jun 5, 2014

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Breakout Campout

Hey guys, I’m leading the ride again to this year’s Breakout. The ride alone is epic and the payoff is one of the coolest campgrounds I’ve ever done camped at—There’s a biker bar on the campground. We’ve also rallied four killer bands that are sure to make your face melt. Meet me at the Barbary at […]

Published - Aug 28, 2013

Comments - 26

Rulers’ Run

Every year towards late August a handful of rare souls converge together to wreak havoc on the streets of Brooklyn, like some horrid natural phenomenon emerging from the sea to consume an entire city. The sheer anticipation of the solid one-night rumble attached to your motorcycle, surrounded by the sharpest cavalcade of your most trusted […]

From Past

Published - Mar 25, 2015

Z1 frame is cracked

Shit… My kawasaki z1 frame is cracked. Anyone know anything about fixing frames? That’s the z1… The frame is cracked to the point where it’s sort of scary. Both my main downtubes are cracked. The left one is cracked all the way through. All the way around. Can’t believe I never noticed it. Adam randomly […]