Published - May 17, 2016

Comments - 5

Old Toyota Truck Ads

While doing Yamahauler sticker research I fell into an internet hole of old toyota pickup advertisements. I love everything about the old Toyotas. I like that they were just called ‘pickup’ and were basic small trucks with great colors options and even better graphics. The new trucks just don’t have that same cool look as […]

From Past

Published - Mar 28, 2018

Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 4

Part 4: Scootin’ around Hội An -Following our 7 day adventure in the north, we moved onto the 2nd leg of our trip. The central coastal city of Hội An. This town is known for its preserved ancient architecture and its tailors. To say its a tourist town is an understatement but nonetheless still an […]